
Nora Jakovljevic

Hello, I would like to introduce myself to you.

My name is Eleonora Jakovljević – BoldBrows and Nano Removal Master.

My biggest wish is that all the love for my job is reflected on your face. I have woven my passion into highlighting your natural beauty, using sophisticated beautification methods.

I entered the world of beauty 10 years ago, when I opened my salon, barely gathering the courage to make such a decision.

By chance, in 2012, I met Branko Babić, from whom I had the opportunity to learn a new phenomenal technique of Japanese eyebrow drawing – the Microblading technique.

I quickly fell in love with the technique, so much so that it became my biggest driving force, empowering me to completely indulge in enjoying my profession.

Today, I proudly carry the title of Master and I am very happy to have the opportunity to transfer my knowledge to students and to realize myself as a teacher.

If we can have one great love in life, this profession is definitely mine. When that love translates into the smiles of satisfied clients or skilled future generations of artists, I am a sincerely fulfilled and accomplished woman.

If the world of beauty is your passion, know that I will be there to help you develop it.

Pergunte a vontade

Se você não consegue decidir qual curso é o melhor para você especificamente, fique a vontade para nos contactar e converesar com nossa equipe de especialistas para te auxiliar a fazer a melhor decisão.

Besplatne Konsultacije

Ukoliko ne možete da se odlučite koji od naših kurseva je najbolji za vas, slobodno nas kontaktirajte i naš tim stručnjaka će vam pomoći da napravite najbolju moguću odluku.

Free Consultations

If you can not decide which of our courses is best for you specifically, feel free to contact us and talk to our team of experts who will help you make the best decision.